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Terms of Service

Terms of Service

Grant of License to Use the Services

Subject to your acceptance of and full compliance with these Terms, GOLDEN RATIO STUDIOS PTE. LTD grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to access its services for your non-commercial personal entertainment use only. You may access the services through your web browser or applications provided by Golden Ratio Studios, authorized social networking websites, service providers, or partners. You agree not to use the services for any other purpose, or to copy or distribute the services.


Right to Terminate or Change Services

Your usage is subject to complete and ongoing compliance. Any use of these services in breach of these conditions will be treated as a breach of GOLDEN RATIO STUDIOS PTE. LTD. services.


We reserve the right to terminate your access and usage of these services if you violate these Conditions. In such cases, we reserve the right to suspend or permanently stop the services without notice or liability. In these instances, you may lose access to your Account, password, username, and character, and forfeit all associated entitlements, such as Virtual Money, Virtual Goods (such as virtual vehicles, gear, points, standings, rankings, evaluations, or any other digital objects related to the service programs). You acknowledge that these Terms will remain effective even after the termination of your Account or the services.


Our Right to Change or Update Services

Golden Ratio Studios reserves the right to modify, remove, or update parts of its services without prior notice or consideration. As a user, you agree that any game functionalities, features, or provisions in the game options within the apps may be altered, removed, or updated without your explicit consent. Golden Ratio Studios maintains full control over its products and may make changes as necessary.


Our Intellectual Property Rights

Unauthorized use of materials appearing on the website or the services constitutes a violation of copyright, trademark, and other laws, which may result in legal action.


Except for the limited right to access and use the services and the site, we do not grant or transfer any other rights to you, including rights in any Virtual Currency, Virtual Goods, or any other attributes associated with the services or the site. No ownership rights, including patents, trademarks,

copyrights, or other intellectual property rights, are transferred to you by accessing or using the services or this website.


Unless explicitly permitted herein, you agree not to copy, redistribute, publish, or otherwise exploit material from this website or the services. Any comments, feedback, tips, ideas, or other submissions related to the use of these services become the property of Golden Ratio Studios, which may use and disclose them without restriction or compensation to you.


Intellectual Property Rights of Others

All trademarks, service marks, and trade names associated with the products or services referenced on this site are the exclusive property of their respective owners. We grant no right to copy or use any of these materials.


Virtual Currencies and Goods

The services may include virtual currency ("Virtual Money") and Virtual Goods, which may be obtained for real cash if you are a legal adult in your state of residence. Note that virtual currency is for gaming purposes only and cannot be exchanged for real currency.


You have a limited, revocable, non-transferable license to use Virtual Currency and Virtual Goods on this website and our services. However, you do not acquire any intellectual property rights or ownership rights in or to any Virtual Money, Virtual Goods, or any other features associated with the use of the services or this website. Your right to purchase services or Virtual Goods using Virtual Money remains unaffected.


Regardless of the method of transfer, the direct or indirect redemption or exchange of Virtual Goods and Virtual Currency for real-world cash or goods from any other party is prohibited unless authorized within the services. Attempting to do so may result in immediate termination of your user account, breach of the Terms, and potential legal actions.


Any purchases of Virtual Currency or Virtual Goods from Golden Ratio Studios are final and non-refundable, except at the discretion of Golden Ratio Studios.


You Own Your Content

The services may allow or encourage you to share or participate in blogs, message boards, online forums, and other features, allowing you to create, publish, post, display, transmit, perform, distribute, or broadcast content to Golden Ratio Studios through this website. You are solely

responsible for your content, and we have no obligation to monitor or use it. We reserve the right to refuse to post, remove, or delete any content submitted by you without notice.


Our Rights

By accessing and using the services, you waive any moral rights or rights of privacy or publicity you may have. If deemed necessary under applicable law, you agree to assign all your rights, interests, and titles to Golden Ratio Studios without further consideration.


User Account and Password

You may access the services through a social networking site or by creating an Account directly with Golden Ratio Studios. You agree to provide accurate and complete information during the registration process and to promptly update it. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your Account information and for all activities that occur under your Account. Notify us immediately of any unauthorized use or breach of security.


You may not use anyone else's account information, and you may not share or transfer your account information. Account sharing may result in termination of your Account.


In-app purchases and Payments

You may be required to pay for certain services, including Virtual Currency, Virtual Goods, and upgrades. You are responsible for all charges and usage on your Account, including applicable taxes. You agree to the terms and conditions applicable to each payment method you choose.


In-app purchases are non-refundable according to our no-refund policy.



We may use collected non-personal data for advertising purposes. Third-party ad-serving technologies may collect information about your use of the App, but you can opt out by not using or accessing the App.


Third-Party Advertising

Ads shown in our apps may promote third-party products or services, but we are not liable for any transactions outside of our apps. Your interactions with third-party sites, applications, or services are subject to their respective privacy policies.


Rules of Conduct: Your Responsibilities

You are responsible for your actions using the site and its services. Follow posted guidelines and codes of conduct. We reserve the right to determine violations and take appropriate actions, including termination of your Account. We may modify the rules at any time.


Unauthorized use is prohibited in the following ways:


1. You may not host, intercept, emulate, or redirect the proprietary communication protocols used by Golden Ratio Studios in connection with the services and this site, regardless of the method used, including protocol emulation and reverse engineering, or create derivative works of the services or this site, in whole or in part.


2. Copying, reproducing, translating, reverse engineering, modifying, disassembling, decompiling, reverse assembling, or attempting to discover any software (source code or object code) related to the services and this site is prohibited.


3. Modifying, impairing, disrupting, altering, or interfering with the use, features, functions, operation, or maintenance of the services and this site, including adding unauthorized components or modifying this site or the online game experience, is not allowed.


4. Using any third-party software or other means that intercepts, mines, or otherwise collects information from or through this site is prohibited.


5. Framing or otherwise imposing editorial comment, commercial material, or any information on this site, or covering, removing, obliterating, obscuring, or obstructing any notice, banner, advertisement, proprietary notices or labels, or any portion of the services or this site is not permitted.


6. Removing, obscuring, or altering notices of copyright, patent, trademark, or other proprietary rights affixed to any of this site is prohibited.


7. Selling, licensing, distributing, copying, modifying, publicly performing or displaying, transmitting, publishing, editing, adapting, creating derivative works from, or otherwise making unauthorized use of any material is not allowed.


8. Attempting to use the services or this site on or through any service that is not controlled or authorized by Golden Ratio Studios is prohibited.


9. Purchasing, selling, trading, renting, leasing, licensing, granting a security interest in, transferring to, or allowing any other person to use or access your Account, password, username, persona, Virtual Currency, or Virtual Goods, whether or not in exchange for real currency or items of monetary value, or offering, advertising, marketing, or promoting any of the foregoing is not permitted.


Changes to Terms of Use

We reserve the right to alter these Conditions at any time. We will attempt to provide advance notice of any changes to these Terms by sending you a message and by posting on this website. We reserve the right to make adjustments at our sole discretion. You agree to check this website for information and conditions that govern the use of this website and its services and to review any changes. Utilizing our services constitutes acceptance of the Terms. If you do not consent to these Conditions, you are not permitted to utilize the professional services and must immediately discontinue any use of these services.


Terminating Your Account

When we terminate your Account, you will lose access to your Account, password, username, and character, and forfeit all associated entitlements, such as digital Money for which you have not paid in actual cash, Virtual Goods (such as virtual vehicles, gear, points, standings, rankings, ratings, or any other electronic items associated with this website).


Data Collection

You may be asked to open an Account by providing information about yourself and completing the registration process. The services may be provided to you via a social networking site. Information is subject to the policies of the social networking site. By using or accessing a game, application, or activity on this website, you may be granting the social networking site permission to share your email address and any other information.


We use this information for various purposes, including game management and authentication, copy protection, account blocking, and system maintenance.


By using and accessing this website and the services, you agree to our collection and use of your personal information, including the transfer of the data by Golden Ratio Studios and its affiliates for usage, processing, and storage. Additionally, we may provide communications, such as service announcements and administrative messages, to you within these services. 


You can submit a Data Deletion Request to erase your personal information from our game. Do refer to this FAQ.


Third-Party Data Collection and Use of End-User Information

When you use Golden Ratio Studios' services through a Third-Party Platform, such as Facebook, you permit us to collect information. You also allow us to access information in cookies placed on your device from the Third-Party Platform as allowed by the terms of your privacy preferences and agreement. We may share this information with vendors and service providers working with us to support the operations of our mobile application. For example, we use a service to assist us in organizing mobile and website application analytics and advertising tracking.


Our third-party advertisement tracking and analytics company does not send notifications, emails, or other messages. If you wish to opt out of analytics and advertisement tracking, please visit the provided link. Your decision does not restrict our ability to collect information for vendors, subject to the terms of the privacy policy, or to email you.

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